Intro til uddannelsen

Environmental Biology is about the interaction between living animals, plants and micro-organisms and their physical, chemical and biological environment

Environmental Biology er et fag, du læser som en del af din bacheloruddannelse på RUC. 

How does nature work? All species’ distribution is primarily regulated by the physical and chemical conditions in the environment (e.g. climate, human interactions, availability of water, etc.), but interaction with other organisms also plays a role, since species often compete for the same scarce resources and/or prey on each other. We humans are also increasingly affecting animals and plants, either through hunting, fishing, livestock farming and agriculture, or through the production and discharge of pollutants into the environment. How do we, on a sustainable manner, make the best possible use of the nature and its resources that surrounds us, so we get the maximum benefit, and at the same time leave a healthy planet for future generations?

These are issues you will work with at the bachelor subject Environmental Biology, which basically concerns the interaction between living animals, plants and micro-organisms and their physical, chemical and biological environment.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Din hverdag på studiet

The study environment is very international, with a lot of the students coming from abroad. There is a vibrant informal social environment, where students and teachers interact on a daily basis. There will be field trips of both an academic and social nature, such as bird watching and mushroom gathering, as well as barbecues and Christmas parties. We often meet with students from the other natural scientific disciplines in different social gatherings.

Fra bachelor til kandidat

En bacheloruddannelse fra Roskilde Universitet giver dig adgang til at læse en kandidatuddannelse. Alt efter hvilke(t) fag du vælger på din bacheloruddannelse, har du adgang til en eller flere af vores  kandidatuddannelser.