Intro til uddannelsen

The International Bachelor in Social Sciences offers you an international perspective on social sciences and specialisation in one or two bachelor subjects
Tre studerende fortæller om International Bachelor in Social Sciences

The International Bachelor in Social Sciences is about investigating, understanding and explaining the social, economic and political conditions in society from an international perspective.

Social sciences identify societal problems and challenges, like climate change or societal impact of covid-19, which it analyses in order to better understand a specific problem that exist at national level and/or global level. Social sciences study the relations between societal structures and agencies, for example examining change to the economic structures in a country, or the role of actors in changing societies.

You will study together with both Danish students and students from other countries. This gives you a multicultural study and learning environment. The programme is taught in English, this means that you will have to read and write academic English for both your courses, exams and projects. Moreover, all teaching and course literature is in English. The academic staff come from different countries, and from different academic fields of social sciences including geography, political science and  international relations

During the first year on the programme, you will work with a number of social science subjects and learn about economics, political systems and social relations in society. You will acquire knowledge about key social science concepts, theories and methods that you can use no matter what specialisation you choose later.

You can immerse yourself in the areas you find most interesting in your project work, where you choose which problems you want to work with, and you will also have the opportunity to collaborate with organisations or companies.

In the final two years, you will specialise in either one or two bachelor subjects. You can choose from among a number of combinations, either with two social science subjects, or with one subjects from social science and one from the humanities or natural sciences.

The programme has a strong focus on methods, and each semester you will have a course in different social science methods, starting with introductory courses. In your final year you will have more specialised method courses. The methods courses will provide you with strong competencies to investigate and analyse relevant problems in society, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

In addition to your courses, you will carry out project work, where you will be part of a project group, and together with 3-4 other students you will identify and investigate a societal problem. During the project work, you will apply your theoretical knowledge and methodological tools from the courses.

Din hverdag på studiet

International Bachelor in Social Sciences bliver du en del af et studiefællesskab, som tæller både danske og internationale studerende. Du kan forvente at blive inkluderet i et godt sammenhold, både fagligt og socialt, og du har mulighed for at få et personligt netværk, som rækker langt ud over Danmarks grænser.

Fra din første dag som studerende kommer du til at høre til et hold af medstuderende, som du følges med i det første halvandet år af uddannelsen. Studerende på International Bachelor in Social Sciences har hjemme i bygning 4-7 på campus, og det er her, du har din base i starten af dit universitetsstudie. Uddannelsen  et fagudvalg, som består af studerende, der arrangerer sociale og faglige fællesaktiviteter.

Du kan også blive en del af International Community - en studenterdreven organisation, som faciliterer events og fællesskab mellem danske og internationale studerende på Roskilde Universitet. Meld dig til workshops, fællesspisning, sport og spilleaftener - eller virtuelle alternativer der holder fællesskaberne ved lige.

Fra bachelor til kandidat

Når du har afsluttet din bacheloruddannelse, kan du læse videre på en af Roskilde Universitets kandidatuddannelser. Se listen med kandidatuddannelser, som RUC udbyder fra 2028.


International Bachelor in Social Sciences klæder dig på til videre studier på kandidatniveau og til en karriere inden for eksempelvis internationale organisationer som EU og FN, konsulentarbejde i Danmark eller i en international virksomhed, offentlig forvaltning i stat, regioner og kommuner eller i forskellige interesseorganisationer og NGO’er.

Jobeksempler fra tidligere samfundsvidenskabelige kandidater:

  • Regional Manager, DACH & Benelux
  • Chief Executive Officer, Care
  • Projektleder, Hjerteforeningen
  • Partner and Senior Advisor, King Street Denmark
  • Digitaliseringskonsulent, Københavns Kommune
  • Chief Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Videnskabelig assistent i FN’s miljøprogram

Efter din kandidatuddannelse har du også mulighed for at videreuddanne dig som forsker, det vil sige tage en ph.d.-grad og eventuelt blive ansat som forsker.