Forskningsgruppe Journalism and Democracy
The research group Journalism & Democracy (JourDem) is an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research group focused on the transformation of journalism and its implications for democracy and the public sphere.
In well-functioning democracies members of the public have to maintain a connection to the wider organization of society. We study the role played by journalism and media in facilitating this role by examining news production, news use and news content as well as the development of media technologies upon which it is built.
JourDem provides a vibrant community for junior and senior scholars conducting research on media and journalism understood as an interdisciplinary field. In our research, we touch on different fields of research across the social sciences and humanities, including media and communication studies, anthropology, sociology, political science, rhetoric, cultural studies and data science.
We focus on both the users and producers of news media content in a broad sense and investigate the changing boundaries of the journalistic field. Among the many areas that we do research in are: Newsroom studies, media history, media sociology, political communication, news use and audience practices, media discourse, media events, media scandals, press ethics, gender and journalism, media system research, alternative media, polarization and misinformation, digitalization and datafication, media infrastructures, news media publics, and social media research.
We draw on a wide array of research methods, from (auto)ethnographic and interview studies, document analysis, qualitative and quantitative content analysis, survey studies and network analysis to the large-scale analysis of big data with computational methods.
We collaborate with the media industry and other relevant stakeholders in many of our research projects. We strive to make our research accessible to the wider public by serving as experts in the media and by publishing our research also beyond traditional academic formats. Moreover, we organize internal feedback seminars, guest lectures, conferences, and host international scholars for research stays, talks and workshops.

JourDem researchers are currently involved in the following externally funded research projects:
- AlterPublics – Alternative Media and Ideological Counterpublics
- Beyond the Here and Now of News
- Cultural Publics: A study of the opinion- and people’s pages in Danish Newspapers from 1908-2018
- DATAPUBLICS - Transforming Journalism and Audiences in the age of datafication
Læs mere om gruppens forskningsprojekter på Roskilde Universitets Forskningsportal
Den vigtige debat om Thomas Bobergs roman ’Insula’ mangler en litterær læsning
svendsen, E., 23 jan. 2025, I: Information.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Bidrag til avis - Avisartikel
Digital Audiences and Evolving News Repertoires
Peters, C., Schrøder, K. C., Vulpius, J. & Lehaff, J., 2025, Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. Eldridge II, S. A., Cheruiyot, D., Banjac, S. & Swart, J. (red.). 2nd udg. London: RoutledgePublikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Grundmodel for kommunikationsprocessen
Thorlacius, L., jan. 2025, Tilrettelæggelse af information: Kommunikations- og kampagneplanlægning. Hansen, H. (red.). 5 udg. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 253-270 17 s.Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Undervisning
Ph.d. til morgenmad: Mediernes problembarn: Klimajournalistik
Weldingh, L. (Oplægsholder)
7 feb. 2025Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Hvilke nyhedsmedier bruger danskerne – og hvad synes vi om dem?
Schrøder, K. C. (Oplægsholder)
24 okt. 2024Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Scraping with Generative AI
Birkbak, A. (Deltager)
7 okt. 2024 → 9 okt. 2024Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Mange danskere tror, at Mette Frederiksen vil stoppe den stigende pensionsalder
1 element af Mediedækning
Trump har uhørt meget magt over meningsdannelsen. Vi må bruge det som anledning til at tænke nyt
1 Mediebidrag
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Base på RUC
Forskningsgruppen hører hjemme på Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab
Relaterede forskningsenheder: Center for Nyhedsforskning // Centre for Digital Citizenship // Centre for Big Data // Center for Undersøgende Journalistik // Kultur og Medier // Audiences & Mediated life // Digital Media Lab
Ph.d.-skole: Ph.d.-skolen for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab
Uddannelser og fag: Journalistik // Kommunikation // Humanistisk Bachelor // Humanistisk-Teknologisk Bachelor // Samfundsvidenskabelig bachelor
Forskning fra Roskilde Universitet

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Aske Kammer
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