Forskningscenter Centre for Statecraft and International Order
The goal of the centre is to produce excellent historically-informed research on questions related to the conduct and decision-making of international practitioners as they attempt to navigate an increasingly complex and changing international order. Ultimately, the ambition is to contribute to society by drawing on past historical experience to inform current policy-making in the international sphere. To that end, the centre organises its research around four programmes which reflect the particular strengths of the research community at Roskilde University:
- The Legal Foundations of International Order Programme;
- The Alfred Vagts Programme on Defence, Diplomacy and International Order;
- The Programme on Past, Present and Alternative International Orders;
- Between Statecraft and Global Governance: The Programme on International Bureaucrats and Order Making.

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Laust Schouenborg, centerleder, lektor,
Miriam Bak McKenna, lektor,
Kerstin Carlson, lektor,
Sevasti Chatzopoulou, lektor,
Klaas Dykmann, lektor,
Line Engbo Gissel, lektor,
Jonas Haarder, ph.d.-studerende,
Michael Friederich Kluth, lektor,
Kennet Lynggaard, lektor,
Louise Wiuff Moe, lektor,
Gorm Rye Olsen, professor,
Karen Lønne Ring, ph.d.-studerende,
Laust Schouenborg, lektor,
Matthew J. Spaniol, adjunkt,
Bjørn Thomassen, professor,
Se forskernes profiler på Roskilde Universitets Forskningsportal
Eksterne forskere
Karmen Tornius, Freie Universität Berlin
1. The Legal Foundations of International Order Programme
The goal of this programme is to investigate how transnational legal norms underpin international order. Of central concern is the extent to which international law has been able to travel beyond its origin in the West and incorporate non-Western cultures, often with very different understandings of justice. The programme will focus on salient issues such as the emergence of the International Criminal Court, the status of terrorism as it relates to international and municipal law, and the self-determination of peoples as a legal and political norm.
Affiliated researchers: Line Gissel, Kerstin Carlson, Miriam Bak McKenna, Karen Lønne Ring
2. The Alfred Vagts Programme on Defence, Diplomacy and International Order
Named after the pioneer Alfred Vagts, this programme will investigate the relationship between defence and diplomacy, soldiers and diplomats, and how armed forces officers think about international relations and, in practice, contribute to the conduct of a nation’s foreign policy. The programme will also seek to further our understanding of international military cooperation, including international military interventions, arms control and joint defence procurement, as this is assumed to be partly built upon the assessment of the international situation by armed forces officers. The goal is to unearth the largely overlooked contribution that armed forces international thinking makes to the creation of international order.
Affiliated researchers: Michael Kluth, Gorm Rye Olsen, Laust Schouenborg, Jonas Haarder
3. The Programme on Past, Present and Alternative International Orders
This programme is aimed at capturing what distinguishes the present international order from those that existed in the past, and those orders imagined for the future and currently in the making. A core goal is the comparative study of the Western liberal order, which has prevailed since 1945, and the Sino-centric alternative that is arguably being constructed by a rising China.
Affiliated researchers: Klaas Dykmann, Bjørn Thomassen, Laust Schouenborg, Jonas Haarder, Louise Wiuff Moe
4. Between Statecraft and Global Governance: The Programme on International Bureaucrats and Order Making
Order can sound like an abstract and empty signifier, but it is something that is created on a day-to-day basis by real people making concrete decisions in relation to concrete problems they experience in the international sphere. This is the domain of the international bureaucrats. This programme will investigate what the increasing scope of international problems, as well as the proliferation of international organisations, has done to the concrete order making that was traditionally the preserve of diplomats who hailed from the aristocracy, but is today managed in sometimes excruciating technical detail by specialised professionals.
Affiliated researchers: Sevasti Chatzopoulou, Klaas Dykmann, Kennet Lynggard, Karen Lønne Ring, Karmen Tornius, Louise Wiuff Moe
Henrik Breitenbauch (dekan på Forsvarsakademiet)
Pernille Dahler Kardel (Danmarks ambassadør i Australien, New Zealand og Fiji)
Charlotte Flindt Pedersen (direktør for Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab)
Connie Hedegaard (bestyrelsesformand for CONCITO, tidligere minister og EU-kommissær)
Anders Wivel (professor på KU)
Trine Flockhart (professor på SDU)
Hans Mouritzen (seniorforsker på DIIS)
Karen Gram-Skjoldager (lektor på AU)
Beatrice de Graaf (professor at Utrecht University)
Sven Biscop (professor at Ghent University)
Ayşe Zarakol (professor at Cambridge University)
John Ikenberry (professor at Princeton University)
Diane Lesley Stone (professor at EUI)
Actors and structures in international relations. The US, the EU, and West Africa: from indifference and development to promotion of security
Olsen, G. R., 2025, I: Contemporary Politics. 31, 1, s. 68-85 18 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
A New African Pluralism in International Criminal Law: Sovereign Immunity and the Trial of Hissène Habré, Kerstin Bree Carlson
Carlson, K. B., 9 jan. 2025, Hybrid Justice : Innovation and Impact in the Prosecution of Atrocity Crimes. Ainley, K. & Kersten, M. (red.). Oxford: Oxford University Press (OUP), s. 221-238 18 s.Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Bodies politic: Burial and reburial in fascist Italy
Forlenza, R. & Thomassen, B., 2025, I: History and Anthropology. 36, 1, s. 99-121 23 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Mediatized EU’ Horizon project at Centre for Social Studies
Lynggaard, K. (Oplægsholder)
9 dec. 2024 → 10 dec. 2024Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Taking Stock of Project Developments and Insights: DFF Project The Standardisation of Transitional Justice
Gissel, L. E. (Deltager), Jakobsen, L. J. (Deltager), Fernandes, W. S. (Deltager) & Hansen, T. O. (Deltager)
3 dec. 2024Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
The Concept(ion) of Remedies in International Human Rights Law
Gissel, L. E. (Taler) & Brandes, M. (Taler)
13 jun. 2024Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Organisation og deltagelse i konference
Kan vi leve med amerikanske soldater i Jylland? I Aalborg skaber tanken utryghed
1 element af Mediedækning
Ny måling viser den dybe krise mellem Danmark og USA: »Det er jo et fuldstændigt vildt tal«
1 element af Mediedækning
Mere viden

Base på Roskilde Universitet
Forskningscentret hører hjemmes på Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv
Relaterede forskningsenheder: Global Political Sociology forskningsgruppe, Globalization and Europeanization forskningsgruppe, The Standardisation of Transitional Justice: Consolidation, Innovation and Politics forskningsprojekt
Ph.d.-skoler: Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Business
Relevante uddannelser: International Politics and Governance // Global and Development Studies // International Studies // Samfundsvidenskabelig Bachelor // International Bachelor in Social Sciences
Forskning fra Roskilde Universitet

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