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Intro til uddannelsen

In a rapidly urbanising world, cities face huge challenges around climate, mobility, sustainability, housing and much more. In this programme, you will train to tackle these challenges and shape urban futures on a local, regional, and global level.
Faglig profil
This programme studies global urban planning through a Nordic lens, seeking to learn from the region’s innovative approaches to sustainable urbanisation. We explore themes such as public space and liveability, mobility and forms of transportation, citizen empowerment and climate adaption. Through perspectives from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, you will learn international and interdisciplinary perspectives on urban planning and development. You will investigate how economic, political, and social processes create frameworks for urban planning, and you will train to analyse complex urban problems using both qualitative and creative methods, and quantitative techniques of spatial visualisation and geographical information systems.
Throughout this programme, you will work with all aspects of urban planning and development, from the social and cultural to the more technical, thus training you to be a bridge builder between different professions in the field – not least through group projects and the potential to do an internship during your time with us. We equip you to navigate the complex networks of urban planning and to offer solutions to both local, regional, and global challenges.
En uddannelse - tre universiteter
This programme is based across three universities: Roskilde University in Denmark, Malmö University in Sweden, and UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. During the programme, you will attend at least two of these universities and can choose to attend all three. This gives you a uniquely international perspective on urban planning and an opportunity to pursue your specific interests in the field.
Roskilde University specialises in research on urban development and the globalisation of cities in relation to welfare, mobility, immigration, sustainability, minorities, social innovation, and social inclusiveness.
Malmö University specialises in research on economies of urban development, housing, the real estate market, smart cities, and social sustainability in planning.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway specialises in research on planning theory, local democracy, culture and place, sustainability, and the planning and development of Arctic areas.
Funding to support programme mobility is available from Erasmus +.
For more information: Three universities - one programme
Din hverdag på studiet
We attract students from all over the world and from a variety of backgrounds, and this diversity makes for a vibrant study environment. From South American architects to Dutch social scientists, our students are joined by a keen interest in Nordic urban planning and a willingness to critically examine its many aspects in a global context. Although students may choose different tracks from the second semester, they form a tight-knit group along with our staff of leading researchers from the three universities. We have an informal tone and an open-door policy with close contact between students and faculty. At the start of your first semester, you will be welcomed with a week of social activities and excursions, and throughout the programme, field trips are a natural part of the curriculum.
Karriere og kompetencer
As a graduate in Nordic Urban Planning Studies, you will be attractive to all businesses, public authorities, and organisations that work nationally and internationally with cities, regions, and urban life. Our graduates often work as urban planners, consultants, and innovators. Many find jobs at international architect and engineering consultancies, working trans-nationally with city development, with others take up advisory positions for public authorities at all levels, or push urban innovation as project leaders and facilitators in NGOs. Examples of employments include:
- Project consultant at Rambøll, working with sustainable urban solutions in projects worldwide
- Urban planner in the city of Paris, working with urban development
- Community Advisor at StrategyNorth. In Yukon Territory, Canada, working with local governance, planning and evaluation
- Technical manager at the municipality of Copenhagen, working with mapping urban spaces for development
- Project manager at Cycle Superhighways in the Capital Region of Denmark, working with strengthening cycling infrastructure
Kandidatgrad: Cand.soc. i Nordisk Urban Planlægning / Master of Science (MSc) in Social Sciences in Nordic Urban Planning Studies. Graden er en fællesgrad ("joint degree") fra alle tre universiteter.
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1. år | 2. år | ||
1. Semester Roskilde Universitet |
2. Semester Vælg universitet |
3. Semester Vælg universitet |
4. Semester Vælg universitet |
Kurser Critical Urban Studies (5 ECTS) Livable Cities (5 ECTS) Approaches to Urban Planning (5 ECTS) Projekt Project: Urban Planning in a Welfare Context (15 ECTS) |
Malmö Universitet Kurser Catching Urbanity (15 ECTS) Making Urban Studies (15 ECTS) eller Roskilde Universitet Kurser Cities, Culture and Politics (5 ECTS) Methods in Community Planning (5 ECTS) GIS and Visualisation (5 ECTS) Projekt Project: Mobilities and Globalizing Cities (15 ECTS) eller Projektorienteret praktik (15 ECTS) |
UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet Kurser Arctic Cities Field Course (20 ECTS) Culture, Politics and Planning (10 ECTS) eller Roskilde Universitet Kurser Urban Project Management (5 ETCS) Ethnography and Visualisation for Planning Practice (5 ECTS) Projekt Live Case Project: Urban Planning in Practice (20 ECTS) eller Projektorienteret praktik (20 ECTS) |
i Nordic Urban Planning Studies (30 ECTS) Vælg mellem Roskilde Universitet Malmö Universitet UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet |
Du skal læse mindst ét semester uden for Roskilde Universitet. Find information om de enkelte kurser: Roskilde Universitet, Malmö Universitet, UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet
Studieordning for Nordic Urban Planning Studies (pdf)

How can public space design better include the needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ groups?

How does gentrification of neighbourhoods affect climate adaptation?

How are Nordic municipalities addressing the right to adequate housing?

What are the potentials of tactical urbanism in the neoliberal city of Santiago de Chile?

How can public space design better include the needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ groups?

How does gentrification of neighbourhoods affect climate adaptation?

How are Nordic municipalities addressing the right to adequate housing?

What are the potentials of tactical urbanism in the neoliberal city of Santiago de Chile?

How can public space design better include the needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ groups?

Tre universiteter - én uddannelse
Nordic Urban Planning Studies udbydes på de tre universiteter i Roskilde, Malmö og Tromsø. Du har mulighed for at tage kurser på alle tre universiteter. Du vil få et stærkt internationalt og tværfagligt perspektiv på dine studier, et bredt indblik i i forskningen samt et netværk på tværs af universiteterne.

Nordic Master
Nordic Urban Planning Studies er en Nordic Master-uddannelse - en international uddannelse som udbydes i et samarbejde mellem mindst tre nordiske lande. Mærkatet 'Nordic Master' gives til forskningsbaserede uddannelser af høj kvalitet. Nordic Master-uddannelser er finansieret af Nordisk Ministerråd og ønsker at tiltrække studerende fra hele verden.

Liveable cities. What can we learn from the Nordic countries?
Scandinavia is famous for its liveable cities, but is it possible to replicate one particular region’s approach in other contexts? Are Nordic cities really as “liveable” as they claim, or is this just a case of clever marketing?

Diversitet eller ensretning: Er København stadig for alle om 10 år?
Mange hylder, at der er plads til forskellighed i en storby. Men er København på vej til at blive en stor eliteenklave, fordi høje boligpriser tvinger lave indkomstgrupper ud af byen, og hvad betyder social opdeling for sammenhængskraften?

Følg Roskilde Universitet på sociale medier

Kandidat på Roskilde Universitet - hvorfor det?
Du bliver en del af et stærkt fagmiljø, hvor du er tæt på forskerne, i dialog om alt fra faglige problemstillinger, mulige metoder og teorier, veje til at skabe nye indsigter og dine ønsker til faglig retning for din kandidatuddannelse. Du bliver en del af et socialt miljø typisk centreret i én bygning på campus, hvor forskere og studerende arbejder dør om dør. Du kommer til at studere inden for universitetets projektform, hvor identifikation af en problemstilling, dybdegående analyser, valg og implementering af metodisk tilgang, samt opstilling af en stærkt teoretisk ramme er dit ansvar under faglig vejledning fra en forsker. Du kommer til at deltage i en række kurser, som udvider dine metodiske og teoretiske viden. I løbet af et semester vil du opstille et væsentligt problem inden for dit fag og udvikle viden til at fremstille videnskabelige argumenter for løsningsmulighed(er). Du får konkret erfaring med den hele videnskabelige proces.

Campus Roskilde Universitet
Universitetet er samlet på ét campus. Her er multibaner, fodboldbane, discgolf-bane, naturstier langs sø, vandløb og marker, træningscenter, innovationsværksteder, kantine og biograf. Vores fælles samlingssted hedder StudenterHuset RUC, hvor der er studenterdrevet café og lounge. Både udendørs og indendørs arbejder vi med at gøre campus så bæredygtigt som muligt. Vi har blandt andet nedsat energiforbruget med 38 procent over de sidste 5 år og omlægger til vild natur på vores udearealer.

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