Forskningsgruppe Artificial Intelligence and Datafied Communication (AIDa)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous in society. As computational agents gain the ability to act intelligently by learning from the data they encounter, they increasingly take on organizational capacities. Particularly when integrated with communication technologies. Hence, artificially intelligent technologies are shaping communicative processes - and doing so based on the data communicative processes produce.
Artificial Intelligence and Datafied Communication (AIDa) is a research group at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University that focuses on how the augmented integration of AI and data affects communication. We study technological developments and the application of digital tools in relation to meaning formation at the personal, organizational, and societal level. Our central concerns include, but are not limited to, the dual role that data plays in organising publics and as an issue of growing public concern; the integration of human and non-human actors in decision-making processes; the effects of intelligent computing on human agency in relation to professional discretion and ethical judgement.
Seeking to avoid any presumptions about the normative value of digital technologies, we begin all empirical investigations from Kranzberg’s (1986) famous dictum that “technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.” Technologies have no predetermined value outside of their use, but human actors are not free to use available technologies as they please. Rather, various affordances hold different agential potentials, which are realised in and as specific actions when taken up by human and/or non-human agents. All action is sociotechnical; at AIDa we seek to understand the specific sociotechnical figuration of artificial intelligence and datafied communication.

Ib Tunby Gulbrandsen, forskningsgruppeleder // lektor,
Sine Nørholm Just, forskningsgruppeleder // professor,
Forskere ved Artificial Intelligence and Datafied Communication
Medlemmerne af forskningsgruppen AIDa deltager i en række forskningsprojekter. Blandt dem er:
Algorithms, Data & Democracy (ADD)
Strategizing Communication and Artificial Intelligence (SCAI)
Se flere relevante forskningsprojekter på Roskilde Universitets Forskningsportal
Disconnective action: Online activism against a corporate sponsorship at WorldPride 2021
Just, S. N., Christensen, J. F. & Schwarzkopf, S., jan. 2025, I: New Media and Society. 27, 1, s. 502-521 20 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Affective boundaries: The power effects of objects of emotion in collaborative encounters
Dahlman, S., sep. 2024, I: Organization. 31, 6, s. 952-969 18 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Alternative organisationsformer
Gulbrandsen, I. T. & Just, S. N., 2024, Medie- og kommunikationsleksikon. Agger, G., Kristensen, N. N., Jauert, P. & Schrøder, K. (red.). SamfundslitteraturPublikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Encyclopædiartikel › Forskning › peer review
Arbejdsgruppe på Kommunikationsfaget om AI i undervisningen
Klitgård, I. (Deltager), Mathieu, D. (Deltager), Mouton, N. (Deltager), Mahnke, M. S. (Deltager), Nielsen, J. L. (Deltager), Dahlman, S. (Deltager) & Gürsimsek, R. A. (Deltager)
21 maj 2024 → 31 aug. 2024Aktivitet: Andet
The future of cultural policy II: Evidence-based evaluations – and its consequences for cultural policy making
Lindelof, A. M. (Arrangør), Bille, T. (Arrangør), Hansen, L. E. (Deltager), Stavrum, H. (Deltager), Pedersen, R. R. (Arrangør), Valtysson, B. (Arrangør), Walmsley, B. (Deltager), Hadley, S. (Deltager), Møller, S. F. (Deltager), Wille, G. (Arrangør), kahn-rasmussen, N. (Deltager) & Righolt, N. (Deltager)
28 apr. 2024 → 30 apr. 2024Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Communication and AI in Datafied Societies
Mahnke, M. S. (Oplægsholder)
5 mar. 2024Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
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Base at RUC
Forskningsgruppen hører hjemme på Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab
Relaterede forskningsenheder: Centre for Digital Citizenship forskningscenter
Ph.d.-skole: Ph.d.-skolen for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab
Uddannelser og fag: Kommunikation // Media and Communication // Humanistisk Bachelor // International Bachelor in Humanities // Humanistisk-Teknologisk Bachelor (DK)
Forskning fra Roskilde Universitet

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Mere viden om Artificial Intelligence and Datafied Communication:

Ib Tunby Gulbrandsen
Forskningsgruppeleder // lektor
Tlf: +45 4674 3883
Sine Nørholm Just
Forskningsgruppeleder // professor
Tlf: +45 4674 3363