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Tværinstitutionelt Netværk om Services og Kunstig Intelligens

Projektperiode: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2024
håndtryk mellem printplade og menneskehånd


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Prof. Ada Scupola will present a paper on Artificial Intelligence in the insurance industry at RESER International Conference 2022

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Prof. Ada Scupola presents challenges to AI adoption in service organizations at IRIS 45

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Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Services






Rektors Udviklingspulje ved Roskilde Universitet har bevilget støtte til projektet. Rektors Udviklingspulje støtter mindre og større udviklingsprojekter eller strategiske indsatser til gavn for universitetets kerneopgaver og udvikling af administrationen, med henblik på kompetenceopbygning, læring og erfaringsudveksling, samt profilering af Roskilde Universitet.

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Reflections and main points from the Digital Tech Summit 25-26 October

The network and the Danish Chamber of Commerce successfully presented the session about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Knowledge Services. We share here the main points shared by the speakers.

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Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Services

We are happy to announce the release of the Handbook on Artificial Intelligence in Services, which will be published by Edward Elgar latest in April 2024.

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An Overview of the Network’s Members and Researchers’ Profiles

We are pleased to introduce the members of our network, which brings together researchers from Roskilde University (RU), as well as from other institutions in Denmark. Find below more information about their individual profiles and academic focus.

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Mere information

Mere viden om netværket: Tværinstitutionelt Netværk om Services og Kunstig Intelligens 

Se projektet på RUCs forskningsportal




Ada Scupola
Professor (mso)
Telefon +45 4674 2598