"NATURE AND SCIENCE": Exhibition at Pandemix Center 2023 by Paula Suguna Bohr
The office space at PandemiX Center is currently hosting the exhibition "NATURE AND SCIENCE" by artist Paula Suguna Bohr.
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Foto: Ink-print on paper and acrylic posca pen. Paula Suguna Bohr.
The PandemiX Center is currently hosting the exhibition "NATURE AND SCIENCE" by artist Paula Suguna Bohr.
Suguna Bohr, explains:
Originally, I was educated a M.D., but health causes made me stop. I am deeply interested in the interaction of science and Nature. The famous Russian physicist, Pyotr Kapitsa (a friend of the family) said 20 years ago: “We are in a painstaking war with Nature." This has inspired my pictures. How could the relation be, if not a war? I am writing a book about science and spirituality inspired by my grandfather Niels Bohr’s thought in relation to assisting making the first atomic weapon in Los Alamos during second world war.