Anne Julie Arnfred forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling

Curating Situated Practices - Entanglements In-between Art, Academia and Lived Experiences
Start:kl. 13.00
Slut:kl. 16.00
Sted: Roskilde Universitet, Byging 41, lokale 41.1-14 Biografen

Kom og hør Anne Julie Arnfred forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling om Curating Situated Practices - Entanglements In-between Art, Academia and Lived Experiences.

Afhandlingen forsvares på engelsk.


The dissertation Curating Situated Practices – Entanglements in-between Art, Academia and Lived Experiences proposes the notion of the curator as a curator of situated practices instead of e.g., artworks and objects, through practice-based collaborative engagements. Anne Julie Arnfred explored this by  joining diverse knowledge practices with a shared interest in, but divergent understanding of and way of working with a subject matter, producing two different exhibition projects, The Unspoken (Danish Welfare Museum, 2021) and Data Choreographies (Center for Art and Technology, 2021-2022). 
Drawing on among others Isabel Stengers’ notion of constraints, Donna Haraway’s situated knowledges, Eduardo Glissant’s being of relation and Erin Manning´s notion of minor gestures Arnfred shifts the attention from the major structures and gestures of exhibition making, and instead emphasizes the sometimes unnoticed or tacit minor gestures of curatorial practice; those gestures which tend to fall under the radar when evaluating a research project or exhibition, but that nevertheless condition the event to what it can do.

Arnfred examines how the participating knowledge practices through their collaboration change each other’s ways of thinking, working and disseminating their practices and how the facilitation of the collaborative process affects these changes.

Through her practice based and theoretical engagements Arnfred developes not only novel ways of understanding the role of the curator, but also the foundation of a vocabulary for these transdisciplinary processes and how these ways of working curatorially might contribute to academic as well as artistic knowledge creation and practices. 

Afhandlingen findes på Roskilde University Research Portal

Vejledere og bedømmelse


  • Kristine Samson, lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet (forperson)
  • Mick Wilson, Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sverige
  • Malene Vest Hansen, lektor, Københavns Universitet


  • Hovedvejleder: Professor Michael Haldrup, Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet
  • Bivejledere: 
    Lektor Rune Gade, Københavns Universitet
    Professor Connie Svabo, Syddansk Universitet
    Lektor Ulrik Schmidt, lektor, Institut for  Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab, Roskilde Universitet



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