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Gender & Diversity Academy - program forår 2022

Center for Køn, Magt og Mangfoldigheds arrangementer er åbne for alle interesserede både på og udenfor RUC.

CKMM er et forskningscenter og et mødested for studerende, forskere og praktikere. Vi bedriver tværvidenskabelig problemorienteret kønsforskning med et mangfoldighedsperspektiv.

CKMMs arrangementer er åbne for alle interesserede både på og udenfor RUC. Vi taler både dansk og engelsk til vores arrangementer.


Program Forår 2022

Onsdag d. 9. februar kl.12-13: GDA med Ayan Yasin: Arven fra feltarbejde er forandring
Hus 40.1-06-08

Wednesday April 6 at 12-13: GDA with Maj Hedegaard Heiselberg: Fat Activism on and outside Social Media - Practices, Potentials and Paradoxes
Building 46.3-042

Wednesday May 4 at 12-13: GDA med Miriam McKenna: Legal Borderlands in the Global Economy of Care.
-This article examines the role of law in the global economy of care. Drawing upon decolonial feminist theory, transnational labour law, and scholarship in International Political Economy (IPE), it develops the concept of legal borderlands and applies it to an analysis of outsourcing domestic care work to female migrant workers in the Danish au pair scheme. The article argues that law constructs liminal legal subjects with limited rights who are ambiguously situated at the intersection of different legal regimes by differentiating between public/private, work/non-work, and citizen/migrant. The case reflects broader labour market trends of increasing flexibility and deregulation, and the complex transnational interplay of law and migration policies.
Building 25.3-005 Teori

Onsdag d.1. juni kl. 12-13: GDA med Amalie Sehested Rom: Tvangsadoptioner og intersektionelle magtrelationer
Hus 40.1-06-08

We will also celebrate Women’s International Day

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