Research Group Mobility, Space, Place and Urban Studies (MOSPUS)
MOSPUS develops theoretically informed and critical research on the themes of space, place, mobility and urban studies. The group brings together researchers from a variety of disciplines that include geography, sociology, anthropology, planning and architecture. Our work is guided by a strong commitment to social justice and to making more sustainable and democratic futures.
This commitment is exemplified by our interest in developing and deploying critical research methodologies. Many of us have focused on meaningful engagement with the communities and practitioners with which we work, including through the use of participatory, action and advocacy-oriented research methods and the maintenance of ongoing community interactions and collaborations.
Part of our efforts to conduct research that reaches beyond the university is the development of creative methodologies and research communication. These approaches include visual and digital media, art practice, ethnography, participatory knowledge production, ‘future creating’ workshops, and advocacy- and policy-oriented outputs.
Research themes include:
- Cities and planning: urban planning, politics, social innovation, empowerment, sustainability, local and regional economies, participatory design, utopian visions
- Mobilities: migration, travel, sustainable transport, everyday urban mobilities and practices
- Everyday life and cultural diversity: embodied encounters, difference, alterity and citizenship, othering
- Materialities and design: architecture, material culture, lighting, mobile technologies, cultural heritage, practices of use
- Spatial politics: geopolitics, (trans)national identities, urban art and performance, natural resources, nature management and parks, state-building, violence
- Tourism and cultural industries: experiences, performance, place design, regional development
Our researchers collaborate extensively with local and international colleagues, and they are active in a number of interdisciplinary research centres at RUC.

Assessment and Identification of Requests for Technology and Innovation Needs within the Danish DK2020 Climate Action Plans
Lybæk, R. & Grindsted, T. S., 1 Jan 2025, In: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies. 5, 1, p. 452-458Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Deconstructing complex micro-level migration activity in a rural municipality
Søder, P. H. & Nielsen, T. T., 10 Jan 2025, In: Journal of Rural Studies. 114, 12 p., 103563.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Pandemic urban citizenship: Cities, migrants, and Covid-19 crisis. Introduction to the special issue
Fogelman, T. & Cohen, N., Mar 2025, In: Cities. 158, 5 p., 105676.Research output: Contribution to journal › Editorial › peer-review
Contested boundaries:
Fogelman, T. (Participant)
8 May 2025 → 9 May 2025Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
al-Akhawayn University
Fogelman, T. (Visiting researcher)
27 Apr 2025 → 2 May 2025Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
Novo Nordisk Foundation (External organisation)
Grindsted, T. S. (Member)
1 Feb 2025 → 1 Feb 2026Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Forskere har undersøgt, hvordan 'ghettoen' blev til: »Man har samlet mennesker fra bunden af det økonomiske og sociale hieraki«
Schultz Larsen, T. & Delica, K. N.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Almene beboere tager ordet: Man smadrer vores hjem og vores tryghed
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Ny kæmpeplan for København får eksperter til at juble
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Mere viden

Base på RUC
Forskningsgruppen hører hjemme på Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi
Relaterede forskningsenheder: Center for Aktionsforskning og Demokratisk Samfundsudvikling // Centre for Tourism Research // Center for Natur- og Nationalparkforskning // Center for Arktiske Studier på RUC
Ph.d.-skole: Ph.d.-skolen for Mennesker og Teknologi
Uddannelser og fag: Geografi // Nordic Urban Planning Studies // Plan, By og Proces // Humanistisk-Teknologisk Bachelor
Forskning fra Roskilde Universitet

Mere om forskningsgruppen
Mere viden om Mobilitet, Rum, Sted og Urbane Studier (MOSPUS):

Thomas Skou Grindsted
Telefon: +45 4674 2723