Employers’ panel at Department of Communication and Arts
The employers’ panel offers support and advice to the department regarding the academic programmes. The panel offers insight into trends on the labour market with importance for our graduates and gives advice on demanded competences, skills and knowledge.
Members of the Advisory Board
Morten Thomsen Højsgaard, Director, ROMU
Vibeke Hartkorn, Strategic Communication Consultant, Vibeke Hartkorn Kommunikation
Rene La Cour Sell, Director of Roskilde Kongres- og Idrætscenter
Margit Helle Thomsen, Director, mhtconsult Aps
Merete Wagner Hoffman, Head of Communication at Danmarks Apotekerforening and deputy chairperson for the censor corps for Communication and Performance Design
Wenche Marit Quist, Koordinationschef for bestyrelsesbetjening i Ledelsessekretariatet i DJØF
Esben Geist, Head of Communication, Forbrugerrådet Tænk
Cathrine Holm-Nielsen, Chairperson for DM Kommunikation, part of DM
Rasmus Brygger, Policy Director at consultancy firm Operate
Henriette Ladegaard-Pedersen, Programme Editor at TV2
Esben Outzen, head of department, Jobcenter Copenhagen
Noa Valentin Katz Søgaard, Head of UN City Communication, UN City Copenhagen
Jakob Sheikh, Head of Communication and Engagement, Danish Institute for Human Rights