Study start Bachelor
When you start at Roskilde University as a new bachelor student, you will meet staff and students who have prepared for the start of your studies – not least the team of dedicated tutors, who have worked intensively throughout the summer to give you and your fellow students the best start to your studies. The tutors will introduce you to life as a student at Roskilde University, so that you have a good network when your study programme begins.
Welcome new bachelor students
Together with the whole team of tutors, we are excited to welcome you to Roskilde University. See you in August!
- Mie and Alicie, chairpersons RUC Tutoring 2024
Intro period: 18 – 28 August, 2025
Before the semester begins on 1 September 2025, we have arranged an introductory period where you will meet your fellow students for the first time, and you will get to know each other through various activities. The purpose of the intro period is to create a safe start and give you and your fellow students the best conditions to get started with your new life as university students.
By participating in the intro period, you will have excellent opportunities to get to know your fellow students and create fun memories together. The relationships you build with each other give you a social network and equip you for your new everyday life as a student at Roskilde University.
After the intro period, you can look forward to the semester starting on 1 September, where your education truly begins, and where you will be welcomed by your group coordinator and your teachers. The semester start focuses on the academic introduction and prepares you to start your project work and courses, which begin in the days following 1 September.
How to RUC
Before you begin your studies at Roskilde University, you will also gain access to "How to RUC", which is our online study start course. The course gives you the information and overview you need before starting your study programme. You will gain access to How to RUC when you are enrolled at the university.
Tour de RUC for special needs
Do you have reduced function, affliction, or a disability and need to see the campus before the introduction period? Then come for a tour around RUC.
The tour is for new students, who have a special need to see campus before the official introduction events take place.
By participating, you will become familiar with RUC's campus, enabling you to navigate to classrooms and facilities. Along the way, you will receive information on where to find assistance for everything from practical matters to potential support options. You can also get answers to any other questions you may have before starting your studies.
More info on date, time and registration will follow.
Practical information about your study start
On RUC's intranet, we have gathered all the information you need regarding the introductory period, student grants (SU), youth travel card, activation of your RUC account, and much more.
Guide for new international students
Housing Anywhere
As you will soon prepare for your studies at Roskilde University, we encourage you to find a room before your arrival. Roskilde University supports the global network Housing Anywhere, which is a peer-to-peer platform where people can rent out rooms to international students.
Receive a Roskilde University VIP profile on by signing up:
For students: Sign-up
For landlords: Sign-up
As a student, intern, PhD candidate, researcher, or visiting professors of Roskilde University you are entitled to priority access to all accommodation available on The platform allows you to choose from rooms listed by local students or verified landlords and securely book prior to your arrival.
For more information, check the local guide on living in Roskilde
Keep in mind: The housing market in Roskilde is very seasonal. So if you don’t find a room listed right away check back regularly.
Do you need more information or have a specific question? Send an email to and be treated with priority!
Links to tips and tricks on finding accommodation
Check out our brochure ‘Getting Started’ for tips and tricks on finding accommodation
You can find a lot of good information in the ‘International Students’ Survival Guide to life in Denmark’ – also on how to find a place to live.
Handbook for New International Students
Read the handbook “Getting Started” with information for new international students. It offers a lot of hands-on information regarding student life at RUC, what you need to do when starting at RUC, practical matters that you need to take care of before and after you arrive in Denmark and much more.

Intro period 2025
All international bachelor programmes:
Intro-days: 18-20 + 22 + 25 August
If you have any questions about the intro period, please contact
Survival Guide
Get the International Students Survival Guide to life in Denmark - made by students to students.
International Community - Roskilde University
The International Community (IC) is a student run organisation that hosts various events to create a social platform for international and Danish students at RUC. Visit us on Facebook.

Campus Roskilde University
Life at the university is more than attending classes and conducting research. On campus there are many facilities for sports and social time together, indoors and outdoors.

Directions to Roskilde University
Get a map over Roskilde University campus and directions on how to get to Roskilde University
The Student House RUC
Student House RUC is an open and inclusive gathering place for all students at Roskilde University, where you can hold meetings, organise events, assembled on activities and meet for social and professional interaction.
Social Interaction Policy
Roskilde University aims to ensure a good intro period for new students, where everyone is welcome and included, regardless of background, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, political beliefs, etc. Roskilde University’s Social Interaction Policy describes e.g. our values for social interaction during the intro period, and guidelines for events.