Writing workshop at Roskilde University
SWASH researchers from Ghana, USA and Denmark gathered at Roskilde University for a week of intensive collaboration on project outputs.

SWASH research team, RUC
For the entire month of June, two Ghanaian post docs (Isahak Fuseini and Iris Fynn) and a master student (Jessica Oteng) were in Copenhagen to make progress on their individual writing in a foreign academic setting.
At the end of their stay, they were joined by Professors Martin Oteng-Ababio, University of Ghana, Legon and Professor Richard Grant, University of Miami. Local reserachers Nina Torm, Jacob Rasmussen and Project Leader Paul Stacey also joined the writing workshop. In addition, to the planning of collaborative writing, team building activities and research seminars were organised, as well as succesfull meeting with central stakeholders from Aarhus Water.