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Research Group Organizing Communication and Digitization

Kontorbygning set udefra


  • Grundmodel for kommunikationsprocessen

    Thorlacius, L., Jan 2025, Tilrettelæggelse af information: Kommunikations- og kampagneplanlægning. Hansen, H. (ed.). 5 ed. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, p. 253-270 17 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterEducation

  • Udformning

    Thorlacius, L., Jan 2025, Tilrettelæggelse af information: Kommunikations- og kampagneolanlægning. Hansen, H. (ed.). 5 ed. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, p. 271-305 34 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterEducation

  • Designprincipper

    Thorlacius, L., Dec 2024, Medie- og kommunikationsleksikon. Agger, G., Nørgaard Kristensen, N., Jauert, P. & Schrøder, K. (eds.). Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEncyclopedia chapterCommunication





Professor about new initiative from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority: "It gets my alarm bells ringing"

10 YEARS AFTER THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: In sharp contrast to the cautionary tone, which regulatory authorities applied to the financial sector in the immediate aftermath of the crisis, today regulators seek to attract financial entrepreneurs with promises of quick growth and flexible cooperation. The watchdog has become a teammate, and that should make the alarms go off, a researcher points out.

Ib Tunby Gulbrandsen

No one avoids Trump

The communication of US companies is - no matter the intent - increasingly being interpreted as statements for or against the president. Researchers from Roskilde University have studied how Donald Trump impacts the communication culture in God’s own country.


Facebook comments challenge the Danish Parliament

Comments and interactions on social media platforms contain invaluable data that politicians can use to investigate the masses and find out what the voters think. However, they are actually not as easy to decipher as one might think. A researcher from Roskilde University is trying to make heads and tails of it.

Rasmus Kjærgaard Rasmussen

Greenland’s desire for independence is a fight based on rhetoric and laws

The legacy of colonialism lingers, huge investments from China are a temptation, and influence with the United States is at stake when Denmark and Greenland struggle rhetorically over the control of Greenland’s underground riches.


There is potential in digital testimonies - but how great is it?

The intention behind citizen-driven election monitoring is to contribute to transparency and a peaceful democracy, but as an approach, it has some barriers. This is revealed by the research of Roskilde University Associate Professor Norbert Wildermuth.

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Base at RUC

The research groups is a part of Department of Communication and Arts

Related research units: Audiences & Mediated Life research group // Center for Køn, Magt og Mangfoldighed (DK) research centre // Offentlig Kommunikation (DK) research group

PhD School: Doctoral School of Communication and Arts

Education:  Communication Studies // Humanistisk Bachelor (DK) // Bachelor in Global Humanities

Facilities: Digital Media Lab

Research from Roskilde University

Research - an overview

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More information

More about Organizing Communication and Digitization:

The research group at Roskilde University's research portal



Nicolaas T.O. Mouton
Head of Research Group // Associate Professor
Phone: +45 4674 3187

Jonas Gabrielsen
Head of Research Group // Associate Professor
Phone: +45 4674 3315