Roskilde University to offer Master of Science in Economics & Business Administration – the only one in Region Zealand outside Copenhagen

The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education has approved the change in title of the Master Programmes in Virksomhedsledelse (Business Management) and Economics and Business Administration at Roskilde University from Master of Social Sciences to Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.). The international Master Programme in Economics and Business Administration will also change its focus to Business Administration and Leadership.
These programmes at Roskilde University remain the only ones of their kind in Region Zealand, outside Copenhagen.
”Management and leadership form the core of the Danish-language Virksomhedsledelse and English-language Business Administration and Leadership programmes, and our graduates are trained to collaborate and take responsibility for a more sustainable and digital future. They gain professional skills to manage change in public and private organisations, and to identify and solve complex problems,” says Rector of Roskilde University Hanne Leth Andersen.
Virksomhedsledelse and Economics and Business Administration already fit the profile of a Master of Science (MSc.) in Economics and Business Administration. Accordingly, the change of title was a natural step. The Master of Science (MSc.) in Economics and Business Administration (cand. merc.) degree is well-known to companies and organisations, and the change of title makes it easier for employers to identify the graduates’ educational background and skills.
“The Master of Science programmes in Economics and Business Administration benefit all of Region Zealand. Companies in the region are seeking more professionals with skills in finance, commerce and innovation. The highly skilled graduates from Roskilde University can contribute to company growth and development. Furthermore, this forms a basis for new exciting partnerships between companies and students and researchers at Roskilde University. I am happy about this for both Roskilde University and the region," says Heino Knudsen, Regional Council Chairman of Zealand.
Over the past three years, Roskilde University have had around 45 graduates in Virksomhedsledelse and around 30 in Economics and Business Administration each year.
Practice-oriented management at the highest academic level
On the MSc programmes in Virksomhedsledelse and Business Administration and Leadership, the students study management at the highest academic level. The programmes offer the theoretical aspects of management, innovation, strategy, value creation and company relations, as well as practical management models. Many students collaborate actively with companies during their studies.
The programmes qualify the students for employment within a wide range of private, public and other types of organisations. Students with a MSc. in Economics and Business Administration typically find employment as analysts or managers at all levels. Others become consultants in businesses and professional organisations, HR consultants, project managers, or strategy consultants. The programmes also provide the tools to set up and manage one’s own business.
The first cand. merc. graduates from Roskilde University are expected in February 2020 as current students on the programmes may choose between the old and the new title upon graduating. The new title will apply for all students who subsequently are admitted to the programmes.