Green Futures Seminar Series
Green Futures Seminar Series #6 "Prefiguring Utopia: The Auroville experiment"

Green Futures seminar Series #6
In this talk, scholar-activist and native to Aurovilelle, Dr. Suramyi Aswini Clarence-Smith offers an in-depth presentation of this alternative societal project, with significant insights relating to the challenges and potentialities of such prefigurative experiments.
Auroville in Tamil Nadu, South India, is the largest, most diverse, dynamic and enduring of intentional communities and ecovillages worldwide, and an internationally recognised experiment in prefiguring a utopian society.
Dr. Clarence-Smith, will draw on her own experiences of growing up in Auroville and provide analytical insights from ther book Prefiguring Utopia: The Auroville Experiment, published by Bristol University Press.