VELNET - The Danish National Network for Welfare State Studies
The Danish National Network for Welfare State Studies (VELNET) aims to contribute to the development of empirical and theoretical analysis of welfare states, with particular focus on the Nordic welfare model, and to disseminate this knowledge. The network facilitate national and international collaboration on research and teaching in broad themes of welfare research within the social sciences.
The members are primarily researchers from Danish universities and research institutes who share an interest in welfare research. This means that the network is open for all researchers with interest and insight into the Nordic welfare states. The research can have a national as well as an international and comparative focus, and be mono- or multidisciplinary, with foundation in social science theories and methods. A particular aim of the network is to develop and disseminate the comparative methodology and analysis.
The network activities are focused on the Danish research and teaching environment. Two network meetings are planned annually, in addition to a number of online research and dissemination seminars aimed at a broader audience. Other common activities include the organization of common research applications and Summer School courses. The network collaborates with the ESPANet - The European Network for Social Policy Analysis, and contribute to ESPAnet activities.

Head of the network VELNET
Caroline de la Porte, Professor mso, Copenhagen Business School, Department of International Economics, Government and Business,
Jon Kvist, Professor, Roskilde University, Department for Social Sciences and Business,
Steering CommitteeCaroline de la Porte, Professor mso, Copenhagen Business School, Department of International Economics, Government and Business,
Tine Rostgaard, professor (with special responsibility), Roskilde University, Dep of Social Sciences and Business
Christian Albrekt Larsen, professor, Aalborg University, Dep of Politics and Society and CWS
Bent Greve, professor, Roskilde University, Dep of Social Sciences and Business
Jon Kvist, professor, Roskilde University, Dep of Social Sciences and Business
Thomas Paster, associate professor, Roskilde University, Dep of Social Sciences and Business (webmaster)
Janine Leschke, professor (with special responsibility), CBS, Dep of International Economics, Government and Business
Peter Starke, professor (with special responsibility), SDU, Dept of Political Science and DaWS
Carsten Jensen, professor, AU, Dep of Political Science
Trine Pernille Larsen, associate professor, University of Copenhagen, Dep of Sociology and FAOS
Zhen Im, post.doc, CBS, Department of International Economics
As other research environments are involved in the network the steering committee will be expanded.
The Danish National Network for Welfare State Studies (VELNET) aims to bring together researchers, primarily in Denmark, who conduct research into Nordic welfare states. If you as a researcher want to become a member of VELNET, you can sign up via the link below. As a member, you will i.a. receive emails with information on upcoming activities and new publications.

Base at Roskilde University
The network is based at the Roskilde University, Department of Social Sciences and Business
Participating research unit: Social Dynamics and Change research group // Changing Societies: Welfare and Diversity research group // Roskilde School of Governance research group
PhD programme: PhD Programme in Sociances and Business
Relevant degree programmes: Social Intervention (DK) // Socialvidenskab (DK) // International Bachelor in Social Science
Research from Roskilde University

More about the network
Additional information about the VELNET - Danish National Network for Welfare State Studies:

Head of network
Caroline de la Porte, Professor mso
Copenhagen Business School
Department of International Economics, Government and Business
Jon Kvist, Professor
Roskilde University
Department for Social Sciences and Business,