Research Centre Centre for Frustrated Molecular Interactions
The research centre is a cross-disciplinary intradepartmental collaboration focused on the use of x-ray, neutron and light scattering to understand the structure and dynamics of self-assembly in soft matter and biology.
Department of Science and Environment (INM) hosts expertise across the department using various scattering methods to study different aspects of self-assembly related problems, both in soft matter and in biology. The centre is aimed to forge and facilitate new in-house collaborative efforts and form the basis for new cross-disciplinary reseach projects. Additionally, the clear and visible profile will attract students on all levels.
The Centre will also emphasize the use of techniques complementary to scattering methods, such as NMR and cryo-electron microscopy, in order to provide input to and constraints in modelling of scattering data. The centre will be visible in the Danish scattering milieu and will benefit from the coming world-class research infrastructure, ESS (European Spallation Source) and MAX IV (Synchrotron source) in Lund, Sweden.
About the research area
Nano-scale self-organized structures are central building blocks in both nano technological devices and in many biological systems and materials. The self-assembly of macromolecules into such structures is driven by the release of molecular frustration, e.g. when amphiphilic lipid molecules in aqueous suspension aggregate into the basic bilayer structure of a biological membrane or when diblock copolymers microphase separate into sophisticated 3D structures driven by an unfavorable interaction between the two ends of the block copolymer.
Scattering methods that employ x-rays or neutrons provide invaluable structural information on self-assembling aggregates and the kinetics of the aggregation process. In order to obtain an understanding of the full system under investigation, whether biological or synthetic, it is of crucial importance to combine structural and dynamical investigations. A prominent example is the gap between the knowledge of the physico-chemical properties of a biological model membrane and the understanding of a whole functioning cell. Scattering based techniques obtaining dynamical information are indispensable in order to bridge such gaps and push the frontiers of knowledge in soft matter and in biology.
The Centre is coordinating participation in INSTRUCT, DANSCATT and other relevant national and international organizations. The centre aims to contribute significantly to the Danish ESS lighthouses in soft matter/polymers and in structural biology.
An annual meeting is organized for the purpose of presenting ongoing research, with a focus on student projects at all levels.

Dorthe Posselt, Associated professor,
Researchers at Centre for Frustrated Molecular Interactions
Steering committee
Physics: Dorthe Posselt, associate professor,
Molecular Biologyi: Håvard Jenssen, professor,
Chemistry: William Goldring, associate professor,
Environmental Dynamics: Henriette Selck, professor (with special responsibility),
Mathematics: Jesper Schmidt Hansen, professor (with special responsibility),
Centre for Frustrated Molecular Interactions participates in a number of research projekts.
You can find a list of our projects at Roskilde University Research Portal
Among the research facilities at the Department of Science and Environment is a modern laboratory building from 2014 equipped to the research in biology and chemistry and workshops that particularly supports physics, environmental biology and environmental risk.
BiologyThe building contains among other things two confocal microscopes, which researchers from outside the university can use. Read more about the possibilities at
ChemistryBased in a new building equipped with modern infra-structure, chemistry researchers in the DSC work with state-of-the-art instrumentation and analytical facilities.
Long-term exposure to sediment-associated antidepressants impacts life-history traits in an estuarine deposit-feeding worm
Santobuono, M., Chan, W. S., D´Amico, E. & Selck, H., Feb 2025, In: Aquatic Toxicology. 279, 107189.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Protective Effects of Sulforaphane Preventing Inflammation and Oxidative Stress to Enhance Metabolic Health: A Narrative Review
Alves, I., Araújo, E. M. Q., Dalgaard, L. T., Singh, S., Børsheim, E. & Carvalho, E., Feb 2025, In: Nutrients. 17, 3, 428.Research output: Contribution to journal › Review › peer-review
The effect of immobilisation strategies on the ability of peptoids to reduce the adhesion of P. aeruginosa strains to contact lenses
Sara, M., Chakraborty, S., Chen, R., Palms, D., Katsifis, G., Li, Z., Farajikhah, S., Massedupally, V., Hui, A., Wong, E. H. H., Kumar, N., Vasilev, K., Mackenzie, D., Losurdo, L., Dehghani, F., Jenssen, H., Sorensen, K., Lin, J. S., Barron, A. E. & Willcox, M., Jan 2025, In: Experimental Eye Research. 250, 110149.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Novo Nordisk Chemical Development Symposium
Mojsoska, B. (Participant)
31 Oct 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Beyond the Genome: Revolutionizing Health with Population-Scale Proteomics and Biomarker Discovery
Mojsoska, B. (Participant)
17 Oct 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
12th Peptoid Summit, Berkeley, CA
Mojsoska, B. (Speaker)
7 Aug 2024 → 9 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
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Base at Roskilde University
The centre is based at Department of Sciences and Environment.
Participating research units: Chemistry research section // Mathematics and Physics (IMFUFA) research section // Environmental Dynamics research section // Molecular and Medical Biology research section
PhD Schoole: Doctoral School of Science and Environment
Relevant degree programs: Environmental Biology // Physics // Chemistry // Mathematics // Medicinalbiologi (DK) // Molecular Biology // Mathematical Bioscience // Mathematical Computer Modelling // Mathematical Physical Modelling // International Bachelor in Natural Sciences
Research from Roskilde University

More information
Find additional information about Centre for Frustrated Molecular Interactions

Research Centre Leader
Dorthe Posselt
Associate Profressor
Phone +45 4674 2607