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Research Project DATAPUBLICS - Transforming Journalism and Audiences in the age of datafication

Project Duration: 01/01/2020 - 05/31/2024
Skyline and grafic network


Screen shot from digital of conference of speakers Agnes Stenbom from Shipsted Media Stockholm, Issei Mori from Nikkei in Japan and Mattia Peretti who was Managing the JournalismAI conference

AI in newsroom – experiences from across the world at the AI-Journalism festival

Photo of mobile phone with a view of top news of the day

New report: Algorithms are neural, but journalists are credible

Photo of participants at the webinar

"It is not the metrics, it is how they are put to use"





The project "Datafied News Media – Datafied Publics? How datafication is transforming Journalism and their Publics" has been supported with DKK 6 million by  THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS' core group programme.


Data Publics diagram

About the project "Datafied News Media – Datafied Publics?"

How datafication is transforming Journalism and their Publics.

Big data - Colourbox

Roskilde University launches new research centre for big data

Centre for Big Data is to conduct research into and use big data in a variety of areas.

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Base at Roskilde University

The research groups is a part of Department of Communication and Arts

Related research units: Audiences & Mediated Life research group // Journalism and Democracy research group // Center for Nyhedsforskning // Centre for Big Data research centre

PhD School: Doctoral School of Communication and Arts

Education progranmmes: Journalistik (DK) // Communication Studies // Bachelor in Global Humanities

Research from Roskilde University

Research - an overview

ikon for website

More about the project

Additional information about the research project Datafied News Media – Datafied Publics?

Roskilde University Research Portal

Jannie Møller Hartley at Twitter



Project leader

Jannie Møller Hartley
Associate professor
Phone +45 4674 3753