Research Group Intercultural studies
Located in the interface between the social sciences and the humanities, Intercultural Studies is an interdisciplinary research group at the Department of Communication and Arts (DCA), Roskilde University, We study cultural encounters and cultural complexity by exploring differences and the question of power both locally, globally, and in terms of time and space. Our research approaches draw on perspectives, theories, methodological considerations and analytical practices that encompass a wide spectrum of sources, disciplines, and theoretical paradigms. In particular, we explore processes of differentiation, othering and hierarchicalisation based on markers of difference (and their intersections) such as ethnicity, ‘race’, gender, language, religion, class, and nature/culture.
The studies include four prioritized areas of research:
- Gender, power and diversity. Within this strand of research, the focus is on intersections of identity markers such as gender, ethnicity, ‘race’, religion, and how processes of categorization and identification interact within unequal power relations.
- Migration, urban diversity and cultural encounters. We focus on encounters, diversity, and differentiation as a result of migration paying special attention to the ideas of the ‘nation’, and dynamics within the transformation of urban spaces.
- Postcolonial studies across global relations. Our focus is not only on Global North-South, but also on South-South and South-North relations. Our programme further looks at contemporary cultural, literary, filmic, media and text production inter/nationally.
- The language-culture relation and language encounters. This strand of research rethinks the linguistic and cultural aspects of the theoretical field by adopting a transnational and global perspective. We explore multilingualism and cultural heterogeneity connected to different social identities, categories, representations and contexts.

Research group leaders
Garbi Schmidt, Professor,
Linda Lapina, Associate professor,
Selected projects based in Intercultural studies:
Bulotti: Morderen med de mange navne
Schmidt, G., 10 Mar 2025, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 272 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review
Bulotti: Den russiske indvandrer, der blev de revolutionæres helt i Danmark
Schmidt, G., 21 Mar 2025, POV international.Research output: Other contribution › Net publication - Internet publication › Communication
Colonialism Everywhere: The Venice Biennale 2024 and its Indigenous Australian Artworks
Jensen, L., 6 Feb 2025. 1 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › Research › peer-review
Greenland/Kalaallit Nunaat
Jensen, L. (Speaker)
21 Mar 2025Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
'Mellemøsten i Norden - kulturmøder i ord og toner
Schmidt, G. (Speaker)
13 Mar 2025Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
STS Hub 2025 'Diffracting the Critical'
Lapiņa , L. (Organizer), Dean, C. (Organizer) & Shorter, J. (Organizer)
13 Mar 2025Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation and participation in conference
Forskere vil gøre det strafbart at forskelsbehandle på baggrund af vægt: ’Det er ikke trygt at være tyk i vores samfund’
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media

Base at RUC
The research group is a part of Department of Communication and Arts
Related research units: Center for Køn, Magt og Mangfoldighed (in Danish) // Language & Learning
PhD School: PhD Programme in Communication and Arts
Education: Cultural Encounters // Humanistisk Bachelor (in Danish) // Bachelor in Global Humanities
Research from Roskilde Universitet

More information
Postkolonial - a journal about postcolonial Denmark
Sprogforum - (in Danish) a journal about experiences, studies, and ideas in the field of culture- and language pedagogy with a view to foreign and second language teaching.
Cultural Encounters and Differences - a blog written by teachers and students at the course 'Cultural Encounters and Differences'.

Garbi Schmidt,
Phone +45 4674 3117
Linda Lapina
Associate professor