Research Centre Centre for Research on Public-Private Collaboration
The research centre on public-private collaboration is a network-organized centre involving researchers from five Danish universities and international researchers from fifteen universities in Europe and the US.
The research centre focuses in particular on evaluating the experience and effects of specific forms of public-private interaction such as contracting out, public-private partnerships, privatization, public procurement and public-private innovation. The research centre engages in scholarly debates and widespread international publication within the fields of public administration, public policy, public economics and public management. The centre is devoted to mixed methods and contemporary projects draw on sophisticated quantitative as well as qualitative methods.
Ole Helby Petersen, Professor MSO, Centre Director, Roskilde University
Kurt Houlberg, Professor MSO, Deputy Centre Director, VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research (Profile in Danish)
Karsten Vrangbæk, Professor, Deputy Centre Director, University of Copenhagen
Anders Ryom Villadsen, Professor, Aarhus University
Andrej Christian Lindholst, Associate professor, Aalborg University
Bjarke Lund-Sørensen, PhD Student, Roskilde University
Gustav Egede Hansen, PhD Student, Roskilde University
Holger Højlund, Associate professor, Copenhagen Business School
Jesper Dahl Kelstrup, Associate professor, Roskilde University
Jesper Rosenberg Hansen, Associate professor, Aarhus University
Lena Brogaard, Associate professor, Roskilde University
Lene Holm Pedersen, Professor, University of Copenhagen
Lotte Bøgh Andersen, Professor, Aarhus Universitet
Morten Skov Madsen, PhD Student, Roskilde University
Niels Ejersbo, Vice Director, University College Copenhagen
Tine Rostgaard, Professor, VIVE – Roskilde University
Ulf Hjelmar, Research Programme Director, VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research (Profile in Danish)
Danish Advisory Board: The Research Center has attached an Advisory Board consisting of public and private organizations in the field of public-private interaction in Denmark. We use our highly knowledgeable Advisory Board to disseminate research results in the interaction between research and practice. In addition, the Advisory Board is a forum for input and ideas for current and future research projects. The Advisory Board meets twice a year.
Organizations in the Advisory Board (in alphabetical order):
- The Capital Rigion of Denmank
- The Danish Association of Construction Clients (DACC)
- The Danish Building and Property Agency
- The Danish Construction Association
- The Danish Chamber of Commerce
- The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)
- Danish Regions
- Falck (in Danish)
- Municipality of Frederiksberg
- The association of public procurement officers (IKA)
- Local Government Denmark
- Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
- The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions (LO)
- Agency for Modernisation
- Organisations of Public Employees – Denmark (OAO)
- Udbudsportalen i KL (In Danish)
- Vaeksthus Copenhagen
- Ældresagen (In Danish)
- United Federation of Danish Workers (3F)
- Virksomheders transaktionsomkostninger ved løsning af opgaver for det offentlige og det private – surveyeksperimenter blandt private virksomheder
Projektet undersøger, om virksomheder der løser opgaver for det offentlige har højere transaktionsomkostninger end virksomheder som løser tilsvarende opgaver for private kunder. Metoden er surveyeksperimenter blandt private virksomheder inden for byggebranchen, IT-branchen og rådgivningsbranchen.
Project participants: Ole Helby Petersen, Matthew Potoski, Trevor L. Brown
Project period: 2018 -
- TROPICO: Transforming into Open, Innovative and Collaborative Governments EU 2020 project
The TROPICO project aims to comparatively examine how public administrations are transformed to enhance collaboration in policy design and service delivery, advancing the participation of public, private and societal actors. It will analyse collaboration in and by governments, with a special emphasis on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), and its consequences.
Project participants: Peter Triantafillou, Magnus Paulsen Hansen, Ole Helby Petersen, Lena Brogaard, Eva Sørensen, Jacob Torfing
Project period: 2017 - 2021
- Ph.d.-projekt: Medarbejdereffekter af udlicitering og konkurrenceudsættelse på et arbejdsmarked under forandring
PhD student: Joakim Stellfeld Rasmussen, supervisor: Ole Helby Petersen, second supervisor: Jesper Dahl Kelstrup
Project period: 2018 - 2021
- Sektor bias i borgeres vurdering af offentlige og private leverandørers præstationer?
Resultater fra et stort-N survey eksperiment.
Project participants: Ole Helby Petersen, Lena Brogaard
Project period: 2018 - 2019
- Kvalitet i offentlige og private daginstitutioner
Projektet undersøger, om der er forskelle i kvalitet mellem offentlige, private og selvejende børnehaver, herunder også aldersintegrerede daginstitutioner. Projektet har fokus på strukturel kvalitet i form af bl.a. normering og institutionens fysiske rammer, samt udvalgte former for proceskvalitet, f.eks. typer af services. Projektet består af to faser: 1) et systematisk litteraturreview og 2) en spørgeskemaundersøgelse, der udsendes til 2.000 daginstitutioner.
Project participants: Ole Helby Petersen, Lena Brogaard
Project period: 2017-2019
- Virksomheders transaktionsomkostninger ved løsning af opgaver for det offentlige og det private – surveyeksperimenter blandt private virksomheder
Our research

Centre affiliations
Related research institutions and units:
Roskilde University: Department of Social Sciences and Business // Roskilde School of Governance Reseach group
Aarhus University: Department of Polotical Science // Department of Management // Department of Economics and Business Economics
Aalborg University: Department of Political Science
Copenhagen Business School: Department of Management, Society and Communication
University of Copenhagen: Department of Public Health // Department of Polotical Science,
VIVE: Work and Late Life // Governance and Management

More information
Find additional information about Research Centre on Public-Private Collaboration:
Centre site at Roskilde University Research Portal
Follow the reseach centre at:
Twitter (mainly in Danish)

Ole Helby Petersen, Professor MSO, Centre Director, Roskilde University
Kurt Houlberg, Professor MSO, Deputy Centre Director, VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research
Karsten Vrangbæk, Professor, Deputy Centre Director,University of Copenhagen