Annual celebration of Roskilde University 2018

Approximately 8,000 guests made their way to Roskilde University’s annual celebration held September 21. On occasion of the celebration we take a look back at the year that has passed. These are a number of events worth remembering:
RUC takes the lead on a project about virtual learning technology
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science has allocated 20 million Danish kroner to a new project concerning virtual learning techniques. Roskilde University has the lead on the project setting out to map how best to apply the new technologies to teaching in the future.
Learn more > RUC receives DKK 20 million for virtual learning technologies
Communication Studies turns 40
In 1978, six passionate individuals started Denmark’s first study programme in Communication Studies. A total of 40 students attended the programme. The Communication sector has seen a development from slide presentations and typewriters to Big Data and interactivity. Today, 40 years on, the number of students taking the degree has grown to 1,200 and the number of researchers has grown to 37.
Increase in the number of applicants
1,943 future students applied to Roskilde University this year as their first choice. This is an increase of six percent compared to last year. In 2018, Roskilde University thus had the second-largest growth in percentage terms among universities, based on the application numbers from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Researchers from Roskilde University win environmental award
The research project called Plastfri Roskilde Fjord (Plastic Waste in Roskilde Fjord) is fighting against the world being polluted by plastic. In June, the project won the Danish edition of the Energy Globe Award. Kristian Syberg, Annemette Palmqvist and Thomas Budde Christensen from Roskilde University are running the project together with the environmental organisation, Plastic Change. 'Plastfri Roskilde Fjord' is now part of the international competition together with projects from 181 other countries.
Learn more > About the project at our research portal
Learn more > About the project at Energy Globe Awards' website
New research centre for problem-oriented project learning
For almost 50 years, Roskilde University has been developing problem-oriented project learning (PPL) as an alternate approach to university education. PPL is the core of Roskilde University’s education model and it is the university’s main distinguishing educational characteristic. We are now launching a new research centre on problem-oriented project learning. An opening reception ceremony will be held in November.
Roskilde University’s Rector sets agenda for the education area in Denmark
“It is about time that Denmark gets an improved system for university admissions,” writes Roskilde University Rector Hanne Leth Andersen together with DTU Rector Anders Overgaard Bjarklev and Head of Education and Research Policy at the Danish Chamber of Commerce in an opinion piece in the Danish newspaper Politiken. The ambition is a more precise admission system which is based on relevant qualifications. The opinion piece set the agenda this summer, and several politicians - including the Minister for Higher Education and Science, Tommy Ahlers (V) - declared that they were ready to examine whether the admissions system could be improved.
Hanne Leth Andersen has also left her mark on the education debate in other areas - for example, about the value of graduates with degrees in humanities.
Launch of RUC Paper - a new university newspaper
RUC Paper is Roskilde University’s new university newspaper, and its first edition was in 2018. The vision is to have an ambitious university newspaper appealing to everyone who is interested in educational policies and science.
Roskilde University students with degrees in humanities are the most prepared to enter the labour market
Graduates with degrees in humanities generally experience that they have the best labour market competencies - in particular, this applies to graduates with degrees in humanities from Danish universities: Roskilde University, CBS, Aalborg University and Aarhus University. On top of this graduates from Roskilde University stand out with a strong position when it comes to the ability to reflect. This was revealed in a study by the Danish Evaluation Institute, EVA. “The reason for this is our model for learning and we also say it quite explicitly: We value analytical and methodical competencies in our study programmes, and these competencies are, when all is said and done, also labour market competencies,” says Rector Hanne Leth Andersen to Magisterbladet.
What is the annual celebration at Roskilde University?
The annual celebration at Roskilde University is a recurring annual event where we celebrate the university and the values we stand for.
The annual celebration kicks off with an official part that, among other things, includes speeches, the awarding of honorary doctorates and the giving of awards. For example, we award a prize to the project supervisor of the year and the best research facilitator of the year.
In the evening the students take over and hold an amazing one-day festival on campus with approximately 8,000 guests. This year Danish musical artists such as Go Go Berlin, Chinah and Suspekt performed. A number of events also took place - an example is the students at the international bachelor study programmes, who organised a 'pride wedding'. Guests at the annual party was invited to the wedding ceremony and then a subsequent wedding party.