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Research Centre Centre for Virtual Learning Technologies

VR-briller Center for Virtuelle Læringsteknologier

What are VR and Virtual Learning Technologies?

"Learning technologies" means technologies used in teaching to support student learning. “Virtual” emphasizes that the technology is digital, while “VR” is a fully computer-created, virtual experience that immerse the student or teacher. VR is experienced through a VR headset.




A part of the Technology Pact

Virtual Learning Technologies in Science Education is serving as both a Technology Pact (in Danish: Teknologipagten) project and ambassador.

The Technology Pact ambition it to strengthen the interest and competences in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the Danish society.

Overblik over forskning på RUC

Base at Roskilde University

The Centre is based at Department of Science and Environment and Department of People and Technology

Participating research units: Molecular and Medical Biology Research group

Relevant degree programs: Molecular Biology // Computer Science // Humanistisk-Teknologisk Bachelor (DK) // International Bachelor in Naturral Sciences

Research from Roskilde University

Research - overview

ikon for website

More information

Find additional information about Centre for Virtual Learing Technologies:

Centre site at Roskilde University Research Portal



Søren Larsen
Centre leader
Phone +45 4674 2747