Research Project > AlterPublics - Alternative Media and Ideological Counterpublics > News

Eva Mayerhöffer discusses digital acitivsm at GRASP festival

As a part of a panel at the festival, Eva Mayerhöffer talked about AlterPublics' insights and results in relation to digital activism.
PI Eva Mayerhöffer participating in a panel on digital activism at the GRASP festival in Roskilde.
PI Eva Mayerhöffer participating in a panel on digital activism at the GRASP festival in Roskilde. (Photo: Tim Ramsland)

The festival GRASP held in Roskilde hosts a range of panels and talks, including a panel on digital activism where PI Eva Mayerhöffer presented the AlterPublics project and discussed digital counterpublics with the other participants.

The panel centered on media, civil society, and activism online and consisted of – in addition to Eva Mayerhöffer – climate activist Harry Holmes from The Movement Hub created by Greenpeace, Nataliia Voitova from the Ukrainian movement Vitsche based in Berlin, Germany, and moderator Maia Kahlke Lorentzen from the Danish network Cybernauterne.

GRASP is arranged by Roskilde Festival October 6 and 7 in collaboration with Roskilde municipality, Ragnarock, Roskilde Festival Højskole and Roskilde University.