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Annual master thesis seminar

One of the highlights of the year for our master programs is the master thesis seminar. The seminar works as a scientific conference, where current thesis students present their work and get feedback from other students and supervisors. Great day!
Student presenting his master's thesis process
Master thesis student Miguel Cifuentes Acebal present his master's thesis: Transcriptomics analysis of Acartia tonsa development

Each year a highlight of the spring semester is the master thesis seminar. During this seminar our current master student, which will hand in their thesis’ by the end of the semester, are presenting their work to the new master students and get feedback from both students and supervisors.

Apart from providing an insight into the science the students are producing, this seminar serves two purposes. First of all, our current master thesis students get valuable feedback on their work. This is essential for our students, since they both get important reflections on their work, prior to their last few months of analyzing data and writing up their thesis. Secondly, the students get valuable practice in presenting their work and get a first introduction to how scientific conferences work. Furthermore, the presentations serve to inspire the students that will start their theses in the forthcoming semester.

The seminar is very important to our entire Environmental Dynamic research group, since it serves as core activity where everyone gets an insight into the interesting work conducted by our students. This insight is an inspiration for us all and help bind the group of researchers closer to our group of students.      

Contact Head of Studies Morten Foldager Pedersen for more information.