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Roskilde Environmental Plastic Society

Forsker undersøger plastik, plastik på havet, Unge viser plastik til forsker
. . . Photos: Kasper Hornbæk, colourboxog Camilla Hey


Workshop session at conference and poster presentation.

Engaging Citizen Science Conference 2022






Kristian Syberg.

Researcher Gets 57,000 Research Assistants

Children and young people from all over Denmark are helping Roskilde University’s Kristian Syberg to map plastic pollution in Denmark. It will provide a unique dataset that will make us wiser vis-à-vis one of the planet’s biggest environmental challenges.

Pupils contribute to scientific mapping of plastic pollution

Researcher at Roskilde University at the forefront when 57,000 children and young people study plastic pollution in Denmark

Pupils at elementary and high schools throughout Denmark will as part of this year’s Mass Experiment carry out the world’s first national scientific mapping of plastic pollution. The results will provide crucial new data about the extent and type of plastic pollution in Denmark.

Overblik over forskning på RUC

Base at Roskilde University

Thw research network is placed at Department of Science and Environment

Related research units: Molecular and Medical Biology research group // METRIK research group

PhD programmes: Doctoral School of Science and Environment and Doctoral School of People and Technology

Relevant degree programmes: Environmental Biology // Environmental Science // International Bachelor in Natural Sciences

Research from Roskilde University

Research - overview

ikon for website

More about the Plastic Group REPS

Additional information about Roskilde Environmental Plastic Society:

The Plastic Group at Roskilde University Research Portal




Kristian Syberg
Associate professor
Phone +45 4674 3776