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Research Centre Centre for Research on Public-Private Collaboration

Our research

Ole Helby Petersen

Major differences in the benefits of contracting out

New research shows that it is primarily average size municipalities that reap the effects when public services are contracting out. It’s time to adopt a more nuanced and context-specific approach.

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Centre affiliations

Related research institutions and units:

Roskilde University: Department of Social Sciences and Business // Roskilde School of Governance Reseach group

Aarhus University: Department of Polotical Science // Department of Management // Department of Economics and Business Economics

Aalborg University: Department of Political Science

Copenhagen Business School: Department of Management, Society and Communication

University of Copenhagen: Department of Public Health // Department of Polotical Science,

VIVE: Work and Late Life // Governance and Management

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More information

Find additional information about Research Centre on Public-Private Collaboration:

Centre site at Roskilde University Research Portal

Follow the reseach centre at:

Twitter (mainly in Danish)




Ole Helby Petersen, Professor MSO, Centre Director, Roskilde University

Kurt Houlberg, Professor MSO, Deputy Centre Director, VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research

Karsten Vrangbæk, Professor, Deputy Centre Director,University of Copenhagen