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News from Roskilde University

Niels Heine Kristensen

Roskilde University is at the forefront of the Danish part of a large EU-funded study on sustainability in the agriculture and food sector

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals play an important role at Roskilde University

Sine Lehn-Christiansen & Mari Holen

Nurses on the launch pad

 Benni Winding Hansen at aquarium

Copepods can disrupt marine fish farming

Hannibal Munk

New research: Danish satirical cartoons challenge readers less than we think

Kim Sass Mikkelsen

Public service entry examinations ward off unethical behaviour

Annegrethe Ahrenkil

Researcher: Forcing parents to send their children to nurseries is based on a limited understanding of how language skills develop

Begpacker's sign

White begpackers are also begging because they are in need
