Research Project > In the name of the people - Populism and the popular: threats or promises to democracy? > News

New articles on the people and populism

Mikkel Flohr has recently published a number of articles on the people and populism.
Allan Dreyer Hansen and Mikkel Flohr presenting Slagmark 85 at the reception in Aarhus
Allan Dreyer Hansen and Mikkel Flohr presenting Slagmark 85 at the reception in Aarhus

Postdoc Mikkel Flohr from the research group has written an extensive essay on the historical origins and development of populism, as well as the so-called "populist wave" and its relationship to liberal democracy entitled "Populism: Between Mob Rule and the Rule of the People." You can read or listen to it here (Danish only).

He has also written an introduction to Benedict Anderson’s analysis of the nation as an "imagined community" for Critical Legal Thinking on the fortieth anniversary of Anderson's classical work. That text can be found here.

Mikkel has also published an article on the duality of the concept of the people and its implications in Giorgio Agamben's works for Parrhesia, which can be accessed here. Finally, an article on the conceptual history of the people from 1830-1920 in Denmark from the project has been accepted for publication in European Journal of Sociology (It can now be accessed here).