Research Seminar on Climate Psychology

The concept of climate psychology and the psychological impact of climate change are explored and discussed from a societal, organizational and clinical psychological perspective.
Place: Roskilde University, building 1, Auditorium 00.1-009

Climate psychology is concerned with the emotions, and the social and mental processes that have contributed to the ecological and climate crisis, and our responses and processes of adaptation to it. (Climate Psychology Alliance website).

During this research seminar, the concept of climate psychology and the psychological impact of climate change are explored and discussed from a societal, organizational and clinical psychological perspective. After the presentations, participants will be invited to a plenary dialogue that focuses on the interdisciplinarity and diversity of the theme climate. It is our cautious hope and ambition to contribute with some opportunities to create a community or network around climate psychology in Denmark.

We welcome everyone who is interested in the theme climate to participate: MPO students, MPO alumni, colleagues and students from Roskilde University, practitioners and researchers in all fields, citizens etc.


14.00 Welcome by Manon de Jongh & Steen Visholm (COP)
14.15 Keynote ‘Climate Psychology on the agenda’, Paul Hoggett & Rebecca Nestor from the Climate Psychology Alliance
15.30 Break
15.45 Leadership of sustainability, Peter Koefoed & Steen Visholm
16.05 Challenges with climate assemblies, Manon de Jongh & Anne Tortzen
16.25 Climate & therapeutic work, Solveig Roepstorff
16.45 Dialogue in plenary
17.15 Networking
17.30 Closure

MPO Alumni event (current MPO students are welcome too) – room 03.1-S03
17.45 Large group theme session
18.30 Tapas and a glass of wine
19.30 Closure

Registration and price

For registration, please click here:

Please register at the latest on the 22nd of November (or ring after that date to Manon on +45 26554030). Participation in the research seminar costs kr. 100 and participation in both events (seminar and Alumni event) costs kr. 250.


Keynote speakers

Dr. Paul Hoggett & Dr. Rebecca Nestor

Paul is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, UWE, UK. He founded the Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA) and later became its first Chair in 2012. His most recent book is Paradise Lost? The Climate Crisis and the Human Condition (2023, Simplicity Institute).

Rebecca is a board member of the CPA and an organizational consultant, facilitator and coach with a particular focus on supporting people and organizations with the emotional impacts of the climate and ecological crisis. Her recent doctorate researched the emotional experience of leaders in organizations that engage the public in climate change.

Other presenters

Peter Koefoed & Steen Visholm, ph.d.

Peter is a licenced and specialized psychologist. Steen is a Professor in the Department of People and Technology, Center for Organizational Psychology, Roskilde University. Their latest Danish publication is: “Ledelse af bæredygtighed – perspektiver fra psykodynamik og mentalisering” in Torben Heinskou & Anette Højgaard Jønson (eds.): Mentalisering og Psykodynamisk organisationspsykologi, Hans Reitzel (2024).

Dr. Manon de Jongh & Anne Tortzen, ph.d

Manon is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Organizational Psychology, Roskilde University. Anne is a consultant, writer and researcher on climate and biodiversity issues and democratic and co-creative processes. Their latest (not yet published) paper is: “The effect of systems psychodynamics on the outcomes of climate assemblies”.

Solveig Roepstorff

Solveig is a licensed and climate psychologist, working with individuals, groups and organizations. She published her book on Climate Psychology in 2022 (People’s). In Danish: Klimapsykologi. Hvorfor vi har så svært ved at handle på klimakrisen og det, der kan hjælpe os på vej.