Speciale Talks Event - Autumn 2024

Come to RUC's Speciale Talks Event where you will be able to listen to master's theses presentations, get inspiration, get new insights and interact with master's candidates, students and researchers.
Place: Roskilde University, Building 41 "Biografen" and the foyer

This is an unique opportunity to scout for talent and collaboration opportunities and to see examples of problem-oriented project work in RUC master's theses.

At the event you will be able to talk & mingle during the networking session, get inspiration, and expand your network.

This event is open for ALL.

From 12.00-14.00 there will be foodtrucks by the venue with lunch free of charge. This part of the programme is optional.

During the event there will be food, drinks and DJ.

Topics of speciale talks:

  • Robot-optimised 3D printing
  • Integration of AI into medical devices
  • Agile digitalisation strategies in Danish municipalities
  • Solving asymmetries in online collaborative work
  • Harvesting post-implementation benefits by combining the Life Cycle-model and EDIT process in Danish municipalities
  • AI implementation, change management, and leadership in combating money laundering


The event is free of charge but registration is necessary. You sign up for the event using: https://events.ruc.dk/speciale-talksevent

Find your way

Directions to Roskilde University