CSLP: Workshop series on Constraint Solving and Language Processing - list of workshops and proceedings
List of the workshops in the series Constraint Solving and Language Processing
(in some editions called Constraints and Language Processing) with links to
proceedings and workshop sites.
The series was founded by Henning Christiansen in close cooperation with Jørgen Villadsen,
Philippe Blache and Veronica Dahl.
It began in 2004 and took place annually until 2008, and after that with more irregular intervals.
2016: New York, USA, a day of October 17-21, 2016
More information soon.
Link to workshop site.
2014: Book 
Constraints and Language, P. Blache, H. Christiansen,
V. Dahl, D. Duchier and J. Villadsen (Eds.).
Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2014).
See list of contents
and publisher's page.
2012: Orléans, France, September 13-14, 2012
Denys Duchier, Yannick Parmentier (Eds.): Constraint Solving and Language Processing -
7th International Workshop, CSLP 2012. Revised Selected Papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8114, Springer 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-41577-7
Page in DBLP
Denys Duchier, Yannick Parmentier (Eds.):
7th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP'12),
(Original online proceedings)
Link to workshop site.
2011: Karlsruhe, Germany, September 27, 2011
Henning Christiansen, Jørgen Villadsen, Philippe Blache, Veronica Dahl (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on
Constraints and Language Processing
(CSLP 2008). A workshop at CONTEXT 2011.
Computer Science Research Reports vol. 134, Roskilde University.
ISSN 0109-9779
Available here
Link to workshop site.
2008: Hamburg, Germany, August 4-15, 2008
Henning Christiansen, Jørgen Villadsen (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on
Constraints and Language Processing
(CSLP 2008). A workshop at ESSLLI 2008.
Computer Science Research Reports vol. 122, Roskilde University.
ISSN 0109-9779
Available here
Link to workshop site.
2007: Roskilde, Denmark, August 20, 2007
Henning Christiansen, Jørgen Villadsen (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on
Constraints and Language Processing
(CSLP 2007). A workshop at CONTEXT 2007.
Computer Science Research Reports vol. 113, 2007, Roskilde University.
ISSN 0109-9779
Available here
Link to workshop site.
2006: Sydney, Australia, July 22, 2006
Philippe Blache (Ed.):
Constraints and Language Processing.
Proceedings of the Workshop,
A workshop at COLING-ACL 2006
Available here
Original workshop web page not available.
2005: Sitges, Spain, October 5, 2005
Henning Christiansen, Jørgen Villadsen (Eds.):
Constraint Solving and Language Processing
2nd International Workshop, CSLP 2005 Sitges, Spain, 5 October 2005
Computer Science Research Reports vol. 104, Roskilde University.
ISSN 0109-9779
Available here
Link to workshop site.
2004: Roskilde, Denmark, September 1-3, 2004
Henning Christiansen, Peter Rossen Skadhauge, Jørgen Villadsen (Eds.):
Constraint Solving and Language Processing, First International Workshop, CSLP 2004,
Roskilde, Denmark, September 1-3, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3438, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-26165-6
Page in DBLP
Henning Christiansen, Peter Rossen Skadhauge, Jørgen Villadsen (Eds.):
Constraint Solving and Language Processing, First International Workshop, CSLP 2004,
Roskilde, Denmark, September 1-3, 2004, proceedings.
(Original online proceedings)
Computer Science Research Reports vol. 99, 2004, Roskilde University.
ISSN 0109-9779
Available here
Link to workshop site.
Last modification 26-april-2016,
Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark