Why study Environmental Science?
Julie Zwicky
Consultant, Ecolabelling Denmark
Society is increasingly affected by environmental issues such as climate change, pollution and reduced global biodiversity. As a student of Environmental Science, you will be given tools to tackle these issues by identifying, analysing, and solving complex environmental challenges on a regional, national, and global scale.
Environmental Science at Roskilde University is the only interdisciplinary programme of its kind in Denmark: We have a strong foundation in the natural sciences, but we also look to the social sciences in examining, how environmental issues are mediated through societal factors. As a student, you will gain an in-depth knowledge of biological systems from individual to ecosystem level, and you will learn to design and conduct experiments within environmental science.
In addition, you will learn to apply and present your knowledge in an interdisciplinary context. We train you to conduct survey and impact studies using various statistical techniques, simple dynamic models, GIS-tools, and other methods – and to analyse and present the data you obtain, to contribute to solving environmental challenges. You will learn to measure societal effects on the environment and use your knowledge to suggest new ways forward. In short, you will be equipped to work with environmental issues in a complex world.
You will join a faculty of dedicated researchers, many of whom are leading in their field in Denmark. We conduct research into areas like minimising the environmental impacts of micro plastic pollution, methods of making fishing and fish farming more sustainable, and assessing the ecological impact from existing chemical contamination to prevent future contamination. You will be able to shape your education from a wide variety of elective courses, giving you an academic profile to match your interests.
We have an open-door tradition and consider you scientist from day one, giving you the opportunity to work very closely with our research and teaching staff. You will be thoroughly introduced to both staff and fellow students, and you will join a lively study environment. We are passionate about our field, and so a trip to the kitchen for a cup of coffee might easily land you in a chat about the latest news or discovery in our field!
The programme is very hands-on, with much time spent in the laboratory and with field work. We like to get our hands dirty – often quite literally – working with real problem and with external partners, from both the public and private sector. As all student programmes at Roskilde University, we work extensively through problem-oriented projects, usually in groups.
Our graduates go on to a wide variety of jobs in the environmental sector – from jobs focusing on field surveys, data gathering and analyses, to jobs on a more administrative level working with the impact of environmental legislation. Examples of employments include:
You can find employment with public environmental authorities at local, regional, national, and international levels, as well as with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), working within this field. You will also be attractive to private companies offering advisory, analysis and consulting services in the environmental field, and to industries working with the use of natural resources. The programme qualifies you to enter a PhD-programme.
1. år | 2. år | ||
1. Semester | 2. Semester | 3. Semester | 4. Semester |
Kursus Introduction to Environmental Science 5 ECTS |
Environmental Monitoring and Applications 5 ECTS |
Speciale i Environmental Science 60 ECTS Fortsættes på 4. semester eller Praktik Projektorienteret praktikforløb 15 ECTS og Speciale Speciale i Environmental Science 45 ECTS Fortsættes på 4. semester |
Speciale i Environmental Science 60 ECTS Fortsat fra 3. semester eller Praktik Projektorienteret praktikforløb 15 ECTS og Speciale Speciale i Environmental Science 45 ECTS Fortsat fra 3. semester |
Kursus Environmental Management 5 ECTS |
Kursus Biodiversity and Conservation 5 ECTS |
Kursus Environmental Chemistry and Element Cycling 10 ECTS |
Kursus Ecotoxicology - Theory and Practice 10 ECTS |
Kursus Data Analysis and Modelling in Environmental Science 5 ECTS |
Kurser Valgkurser til i alt 10 ECTS |
Valgkursus 5 ECTS |
Julie Zwicky
Consultant, Ecolabelling Denmark
Du kan vælge at bruge et semester på at rejse ud med din uddannelse. Enten i praktik hos en af vores partnervirksomheder eller hos en virksomhed, som du selv finder frem til. Du afprøver dine kompetencer, faglige og processuelle, i et job, får værdifulde kontakter og bliver klogere på, om det er en fremtidig karriere for dig. Du kan også vælge at tage et semesters udveksling på et partneruniversitet i udlandet, hvor du kan få internationalt udsyn, erfaring og netværk.
Du bliver en del af et stærkt fagmiljø, hvor du er tæt på forskerne, i dialog om alt fra faglige problemstillinger, mulige metoder og teorier, veje til at skabe nye indsigter og dine ønsker til faglig retning for din kandidatuddannelse. Du bliver en del af et socialt miljø typisk centreret i én bygning på campus, hvor forskere og studerende arbejder dør om dør. Du kommer til at studere inden for universitetets projektform, hvor identifikation af en problemstilling, dybdegående analyser, valg og implementering af metodisk tilgang, samt opstilling af en stærkt teoretisk ramme er dit ansvar under faglig vejledning fra en forsker. Du kommer til at deltage i en række kurser, som udvider dine metodiske og teoretiske viden. I løbet af et semester vil du opstille et væsentligt problem inden for dit fag og udvikle viden til at fremstille videnskabelige argumenter for løsningsmulighed(er). Du får konkret erfaring med den hele videnskabelige proces.
Universitetet er samlet på ét campus. Her er multibaner, fodboldbane, discgolf-bane, naturstier langs sø, vandløb og marker, træningscenter, innovationsværksteder, kantine og biograf. Vores fælles samlingssted hedder StudenterHuset RUC, hvor der er studenterdrevet café og lounge. Både udendørs og indendørs arbejder vi med at gøre campus så bæredygtigt som muligt. Vi har blandt andet nedsat energiforbruget med 38 procent over de sidste 5 år og omlægger til vild natur på vores udearealer.
Prøv Adgangsguiden: Se hvilke kandidatuddannelser på Roskilde Universitet, din bachelor giver adgang til.
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